What are IPv4 and IPv6? Where does IPv5 go?

IP addresses serve as fundamental elements in the vast world of Internet technology. They enable devices to connect and communicate over the global network. The most commonly discussed versions of Internet Protocol (IP) are IPv4 and IPv6. However, a lesser-known question that often arises is about IPv5 and its place in the sequence of internet protocols. Therefore, in today’s article, we will explain a little bit more about IPv4 and IPv6 and explore the mysterious case of IPv5.

Understanding IPv4

IPv4, or Internet Protocol version 4, has been the backbone of Internet connectivity since its inception in the early 1980s. An IPv4 address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a network interface on a machine. This allows for about 4.3 billion unique addresses, which seemed sufficient in the early days of the Internet. IPv4 addresses are usually represented in dot-decimal notation, consisting of four decimal numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots (e.g.,

Transitioning to IPv6

As the Internet expanded, it became clear that the number of available IPv4 addresses would not be enough to accommodate the growing number of devices. This limitation led to the development of IPv6, which uses 128-bit addresses, thereby significantly expanding the number of possible unique addresses. IPv6 is expressed in hexadecimal, separated by colons (e.g., 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334), and it offers enhanced security features and more efficient routing compared to its predecessor.

The Curious Case of IPv5

So, what happened to IPv5? This version of the Internet Protocol was actually developed, but not for the purposes one might expect. Officially known as the Internet Stream Protocol, or ST, IPv5 was designed for connection-oriented communications across IP networks, focusing primarily on stream delivery for multimedia applications. Developed in the late 1970s and standardized in the 1980s, IPv5 aimed to support voice and video transmission, which require steady data flows to maintain quality.

IPv5 used the same addressing scheme as IPv4 and was considered as an experimental protocol for handling streaming. It was assigned Internet Protocol number 5, which is where the name IPv5 comes from. However, IPv5 was never fully deployed or adopted as a mainstream protocol for the public Internet. Instead, it served as an important experimental platform for the techniques that would eventually be integrated into IPv6.

IPv5’s Legacy and Technological Evolution

IPv5 made significant contributions to the development of IPv6, especially in handling data packets for streaming media—something increasingly relevant with today’s high usage of video streaming services. Although it never became a part of everyday Internet use, the lessons learned from IPv5’s streaming capabilities influenced modern protocols that handle similar tasks.

IPv6 gradually became the standard, addressing the shortcomings of IPv4, especially in terms of scalability and security. The direct leap from IPv4 to IPv6, skipping the widespread use of IPv5, was primarily due to the urgent need for a more sustainable and expansive addressing system, which IPv6 provided.


The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 was a necessary evolution to keep up with the exponential growth of the Internet and its devices. While IPv5 may seem like a missing link, it served a crucial role in the development of network protocols that support today’s diverse and multimedia-rich internet landscape. Understanding these protocols and their development gives valuable insights into how the Internet continues to evolve to meet the needs of its global user base.

PTR record: How to configure it?

The PTR (Pointer) record, a lesser-known but critical component of the Domain Name System (DNS), is essential for mapping an IP address back to a domain name. This process, known as reverse DNS (rDNS), is particularly important for email servers and network troubleshooting. This blog post will guide you through the basics of what a PTR record is and how to configure it effectively.

Understanding PTR Records

Before diving into the configuration, it’s important to understand what PTR records are and why they are used. Unlike standard DNS records that resolve domain names to IP addresses (forward DNS), PTR records do the opposite. They are used in reverse DNS lookups, where an IP address is resolved to a domain name. This is crucial for validating the legitimacy of email servers, as many email providers check PTR records to verify that the sending server is not a source of spam.

Why Are PTR Records Important?

  1. Email Server Validation: Ensures that emails sent from your server are not marked as spam.
  2. Network Troubleshooting: Helps in diagnosing and resolving network issues.
  3. Security: Assists in verifying the identity of an IP address and combating phishing or fraud.

How to Configure a PTR Record

Configuring a PTR record can vary depending on your hosting provider or network administrator. Here is a general step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Check Your IP Address

  • You need a static IP address for your mail server.
  • Verify your IP address; PTR records are usually set up for IPv4 addresses, but they can also be configured for IPv6.

Step 2: Contact Your ISP or Hosting Provider

  • Generally, the entity responsible for your IP allocation (usually your ISP or hosting provider) controls the reverse DNS for your IP.
  • Request them to set up a PTR record for your IP address.
  • Provide them with your domain name and IP address.

Step 3: Define Your Hostname

  • Choose a hostname for your server that you want to associate with your IP address.
  • It should be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), like mail.example.com.

Step 4: Verification

  • After your ISP or hosting provider confirms the setup, verify the PTR record.
  • Use online tools like MXToolbox or perform a manual lookup using command-line tools (like nslookup or dig).

Step 5: Regular Updates and Checks

  • Ensure that your PTR record remains up-to-date, especially if your IP address changes.
  • Regularly check the PTR record to ensure it’s resolving correctly.

Common Pitfalls and Tips

  • Consistency: Your PTR record should match your A record (forward DNS).
  • One-to-One Mapping: Ideally, each IP address should have only one PTR record.
  • Latency in Propagation: Changes in DNS records can take up to 48 hours to propagate.
  • ISP Dependencies: Since ISPs control PTR records, you are dependent on them for changes or troubleshooting.


Configuring a PTR record might seem daunting, but it is an essential aspect of managing a reliable and secure server, especially for email communications. Properly set up PTR records not only improve your email deliverability but also contribute to a safer and more trustworthy internet ecosystem. Remember to stay in close communication with your ISP or hosting provider throughout the process to ensure a smooth and effective setup.